The easiest scientific explanation for why one person wins the lottery while others don't is random chance. But past winners have credited paranormal factors for their big-ticket wins.
There are those who believe that extrasensory perception (ESP) is not the exclusive property of seers. The believers say that everyone probably has it - to some degree. For instance, the phone rings, and you know who's calling before you even pick it up - and you don't have Caller ID.
Telepathy is the purported ability to send or receive thoughts from others without using any of the five senses. It's commonly called mind-reading. Even if you did have telepathic power, it wouldn't be likely to win you a jackpot. Why? Because no one would know what those numbers would be before the drawing; therefore, there would be no information to be sent or to receive.
Clairvoyance is the ability to perceive objects or events in the past, present, or future without using any of the five senses. It's commonly called "seeing the future." If someone did possess clairvoyance, it obvioiusly would help him or her win the lottery.
There are those who believe that certain unique individuals' extrasensory powers operate more or less at a high level throughout their lifetimes. These people are known as sensitives, mentalists, seers or psychics. Most of us, however, are limited to an occasional flash of intuition -- if even that. Still, if you ever have a hunch that you should play a certain number or series of numbers, it can't hurt to just do it.
For example, Richard Jacobs of Mirimar, Florida, had played the Lotto only once before, but he "had a hunch" that he should play again. He ended up with over $4 million.
Of course, you can't control the things you dream about, but if you do happen to dream about a specific number, there's no harm in playing it. If you dream about a certain number of people or objects, you can play that number also. Your subconscious often gives you clues in riddles, so become adept at interpreting hints from your dreams. For instance, if you dream of buying eggs at the convenience store, play the number 12 (a dozen). Or instead, play numbers with the same value as the one you dreamed of. For example, if you dream of the number 6, play the numbers 15, 24, 33, 42, or 51.
A Texas woman dreamed about dancing feet on three consecutive nights. Later she bought an instant Texas Two-Step ticket that depicted a pair of cowboy boots dancing. She won over $1,000.
Even though you may not be able to control your dreams, you can keep track of them. Sleep researchers recommend this method to help you remember your dreams: Keep paper and pencil within reach of your bed. Before you fall asleep, tell yourself that you will remember your dreams. When you wake up in the morning, try to recall the night's dreams while they're still fresh in your mind. Think about your dreams, and then write down as much as you can remember before you forget. And definitely jot down any numbers you see in your dreams.